Can You Buy a Business Without Collateral?
If you’ve ever gotten any type of substantial loan, chances are that you’re already familiar with the concept of collateral. This is when something of value is pledged as security. As a result, the lender has something of value that they could potentially take if the loan is not repaid. Collateral is designed to protect the lender. Of course, the most common example of collateral is your...Read More
What is a Partnership Agreement?
A partnership agreement is a legal document that provides an outline of how a business will be run. This agreement will often be used by small for-profit businesses when two or more people are involved. It’s an essential document to have, especially in the case when a dispute arises between partners. Even if you have gone into business with a friend or relative, you should have this document...Read More
What Are Your Flaws?
As a business owner, your natural inclination is likely to be considering the strengths of your business and how to perform even better in the future. However, the truth is that sitting back and thinking about your flaws can actually benefit you in the long run. When you have a full understanding of where you are lacking, it will empower you to make the best strategic decisions for the...Read More
BizBuySell Insight Report for 2022
BizBuySell has issued their latest insight report, which summarizes market growth and trends from last year. In this report, they have several interesting areas to report including a summary of how lower sales prices and rate hikes impacted the value of businesses in recent months. The report can be found at https://www.bizbuysell.com/insight-report/#reportArchive. Overall Trends in 2022...Read More